Get on top of your finances and obligations to loved ones. With a trustworthy adviser by your side, you’ll be able to take charge of your finances, remove financial worries and focus on progressing your career, building a happy family, and enjoying a fulfilling life.
Unicorn always starts a relationship by giving our friends – our clients – the knowledge they need to feel confident and competent about setting their goals and devising a plan to achieve them.
The basis of sound financial planning is common sense. What most people need is clear and steady guidance from a professional who will thoughtfully explain the principles. Putting together and implementing a sound financial plan then becomes easy and stress-free. Thereafter, our adviser’s role is to help our clients stay grounded in managing their finances with common sense – maintaining comfortable control of their wealth.
Secure your future with a financial planning team with multi-dimensional financial expertise and a track record that spans generations.
Licensed Financial Adviser
Licensed Fund Management Company
Exempt Insurance Broker
Unicorn In Numbers